About Weatherplanner

What is the difference between WeatherPlanner’s long-range outlook and forecasts on TV or the Internet?

WeatherPlanner’s outlook is long range. The long range focuses on two type of weather events: intervals of temperature and intervals of precipitation. Through a historical and scientific tracking process, WeatherPlanner can predict when an interval (or weather trend) is expected to occur up to a year in advance.

WeatherPlanner is based on a proprietary scientific process that focuses on reactions and interactions of global climatic events which are then analyzed down to predict their effects on smaller localized basis. Long-term predicts intervals or precipitation and temperature for the next 12 months. It is useful as a long-range planning tool.

WeatherPlanner’s outlook focuses on the reactions and interactions of many large-scale features. After the physical equations for each daily output are analyzed, WeatherPlanner is able to report the various weather trends to take place over space and time.

TV and Internet Forecasts

Forecasts on TV, in the newspaper or on the internet are short term forecasts. These forecasts present a detailed description of weather events that will occur in the near future, usually for the next three to five days. Because the forecast is made much closer to the date of the upcoming weather, short-term forecasts are able to predict nuances about the weather. This is why you receive lots of details about variable conditions, like cloud cover, rain accumulation, wind speed, humidity, etc. The scientific technology behind most short-range forecasts are developed from analyzing many small details. These details are then sequentially run through a series of physical equations to predict the events you can expect in your local area at various specific times.