How often do we update the forecast?

It depends on your time frame.

Our short-range forecast, the forecast that stretches out to 14-days into the future, is updated on a daily basis with the latest weather information. However, the short-range forecast updates will never influence the long-range forecast, which is never changed.

Long-Range Forecast Updates

Our long-range forecast doesn't change because it is based on an interval of weather events. There is no deterioration in the reliability of the forecasts the further out in time they go; however, as the dates draw closer short term forecasts add the nuanced weather event details such as cloud cover.

Most people are accustomed to short-range forecasts, which are changed constantly as new weather information becomes available. The parameters used to build the long-range forecast do not change. And short-range variables will not impact the forecast up until one or two weeks before a particular date. But short term weather forecasts can't help plan your bachelor party weekend in South Carolina six months from now and can't plan for your daughter's 7th birthday pool party next year.