The Science Behind WeatherPlanner

WeatherPlanner forecast is derived though a complex proprietary scientific process. Still it is not exactly an unexplainable ancient secret. It is based on real math, science and history of weather systems and events.

The model for the forecast is based on predictive deterministic model; the future positioning of weather systems. Using higher mathematics and physics to project future weather events, WeatherPlanner is able to reliably predict weather trends or intervals when compared to extensive historical records. With more than 100 years of historical weather data, the results are analyzed to help determine the intensities associated with these events. The completed process provides descriptions of the development, movement, and decay of large-scale weather systems, which meteorologists then interpret to make the specific WeatherPlanner forecasts.

The process behind the long-range forecast is different than the process behind a short-range. Most short-range forecasts are developed from analyzing many small details, then running these details sequentially through a series of physical equations to predict the events you can expect in your local area at various specific times. The WeatherPlanner forecasts focus on the reactions and interactions of many large-scale features. After the physical equations for each daily output are analyzed, WeatherPlanner is able to report the various weather trends to take place over space and time.

Beyond climatology

Many suggest that WeatherPlanner forecasting is solely based on climatology which is only the historical averages for temperature and precipitation in a region. Climatology struggles to even be as good as flipping a coin and could never be the only variable used by WeatherPlanner to predict long range weather. WeatherPlanner forecasts take advantage of all conventional forecasting technique including data collection standard meteorology, and mathematical algorithms taught only at at leading universities and utilized by the military.