Use WeatherPlanner to make plans...

Planning on the perfect weather for your event is possible when you can hand pick dates and locations with weather forecasts that fit your plans for the perfect wedding, trip, outing and other special occasion.

WeatherPlanner's year-ahead forecasts take much of the guesswork out of rain dates and give confidence to those seeking to reduce the risk of inclement weather ruining their special day, big event, or vacation plans.

Find the best date for a location...

WeatherPlanner is the essential tool for every bride and groom to be, wedding to attend and special event planner, golfer, ticket holder, traveler and "party host".

Taking in a broader look at interval weather is an excellent way to ensure several days of continuous temperatures and levels of precipitation and increasing chances of optimal weather for your event. If, for example, you are planning a wedding, choose a broad span of time in which you'd like to get married - such as the month of June. Then input dates for the month and look at the intervals-continuous days of similar weather to find the longest period of dry, mild conditions. Choosing a date in the middle of those days is the optimal time to have your wedding.

For example if you wish to be married in the summer, search intervals of continuous days of similar weather. Continuous days of dry mild weather is optimal so choose a date that falls in the middle of that period to plan your big day.

Having the forecast in advance will also help you make accommodations and special arrangement for the weather such as renting a tent to keep your guests dry or moving your proceedings to an indoor venue.

...Or the location with the best weather.

If the weather doesn't fit your plans, WeatherPlanner helps find a location that has better weather on your requested date. You can check other destinations with similar attributes that might have better conditions. WeatherPlanner offers forecasts for thousands of locations in the United States, Canada and Mexico including, ski resorts, beaches and national parks.

"It is best to read the weather forecast before praying for rain." - Mark Twain